In case of crisis situation, it must be possible to send intervention teams to the field as quickly as possible. In order to guarantee the safety of the population by acting effectively and quickly , and to coordinate operations on the ground, governments need reliable and efficient communications systems.
Often in such situations, traditional networks are saturated or no longer available. So the satellite solution is the best option to ensure that permanent and reliable communication can be maintained.
It’s thanks to satellite phones and portable modems that intervention team will be able to benefit from the voice and data connectivity they need to react ti this type of event.
Satellite phones and portable modems are products design to be deployed quickly and establish an instant connection. In addition, they are made to withstand extreme cold or heat conditions, sandstorms, humidity, etc.
E-SAT offers satellite communication solutions allowing team deployed on government missions to stay in touch with their families in any location or situation.
Most of the proposed solutions are equipped with a GPS device, or there are also tracking solutions allowing the quick location of deployed teams and providing them with the necessary assistance.